Student Employment

U.S. regulations strictly limit the amount and location of employment opportunities for international students. The following information is provided to help you understand these limitations. Violation of federal regulation can have strong consequences, including termination of your status. Please review these guidelines very carefully. If you have any questions, contact the Office of International Studies at or 308-432-6496.


Social Security Number Information

A Social Security Number (SSN) is a unique nine-digit number issued by the U.S. government and required by all employers in the U.S. This number is necessary for you to get a job, pay taxes, obtain a driver’s license, and a few other legitimate reasons. ONLY STUDENTS WHO ARE EMPLOYED OR HAVE A JOB OFFER MAY APPLY FOR A SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. Once you obtain a SSN, it is yours forever and may be used on subsequent visits to the US. You cannot apply until you have been in the U.S. for at least 10 days and have registered for classes. If you work for pay in the U.S., you must have a SSN to file a U.S. income tax return.

Once you have a SSN you should take every precaution against loss or misuse. A SSN is a permanent identification number. It is not intended as a routine form of identification to be given to everyone. It should be given only to those who have a valid reason for needing it, such as your employer for payroll and tax purposes.

To get a SSN, you must apply in person at the Social Security Office in Scottsbluff, Nebraska approximately 100 miles from Chadron State College. If you require a SSN, contact the OIE to make arrangements to take you to Scottsbluff. The OIE has pre-arranged trips to take groups of international students to Scottsbluff for this purpose.

Be sure to take the following documents with you when applying.

  • Valid passport with U.S. entry visa and I-94.
  • Form 1-20 or DS-2019.
  • Letter of employment offer from the CSC Human Resources Office.

You will receive your Social Security number on a card in the mail approximately three weeks after you apply.

If you have additional questions, you can find more information on the Social Security website, or contact OIE at:, or 308-432-6496.

On-campus Employment

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) regulations 8CFR214.2(f)(9)(i) govern on-campus employment for international students. Under these regulations, international students can work on campus for the educational institution provided their employment does not displace a U.S. citizen and the student is in academic good standing. Students can also work for an outside company operating on the campus, if the company provides a direct service to students. For example, international students can work for the bookstore, but they cannot work for a construction company building a structure on campus.

During the regular academic year, work is limited to a maximum of 20 hours per week. Students may work full-time during official breaks (winter and summer). Students are discouraged from working during their first year.

If you secure on campus employment, visit OIE to ensure your employment meets the USCIS definition of on-campus employment and to make arrangements for getting the required federal Social Security number.

F-1 students who maintain lawful status and who plan to enroll at a different institution the next academic term may continue on-campus employment at CSC until the reporting date of the new school. They also may begin employment at the new institution as soon as that institution has issued a new form I-20.

Potential On-Campus Employment Opportunities at CSC

CSC has limited on-campus employment opportunities. Watch for advertisements around campus, announcements on the CSC webpage or visit an office where you would like to work. The Human Resources Office may also have a list of employment opportunities. Frequent opportunities include:

  • Call Center
  • Campus Security
  • Child Development Center
  • CSC Ambassador
  • Food Services
  • Information Technology
  • Nelson Physical Activity Center
  • Strive Learning Center
  • Graduate Assistants (Only for Graduate Students)

If you have questions about on-campus employment, please call us at 308-432-6496, or email us at

Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

Curricular Practical Training Regulations for F-1 Students (CPT)

U.S. federal regulations 8CFR214.2(f)(10)(i) allow F-1 international students to participate in professional, temporary employment opportunities such as internships, co-op education programs or practicums. Regulations require that CPT must be a required or be an integral part of an established curriculum and you must receive academic credit for the employment. CPT may take place during the academic year and/or the summer. To prove that your CPT is integral to the curriculum, it should be mentioned in the section of the college catalog which describes your academic department's requirements and course offerings. The following rules apply.

  • You must have current F-1 status and must have been enrolled full time for a full academic year (fall & spring) or (spring &fall) before authorization can be granted.
  • Employment is course-, employer-, location-, and date-specific.
  • The authorization period must fall within a given academic term since it is considered to be a course.
  • Failure to enroll in the specific course for which the CPT was approved and failure to complete the employment during the authorization period will result in violation of your immigration status.
  • You must continue to enroll in a full course of study while on CPT during fall or spring semesters.
  • A new authorization is required for each academic term a CPT is used.
  • Students who complete 12 or more months of full-time curricular practical training will be ineligible for optional practical training. The 9-month in-status requirement is waived for students enrolled in graduate studies which require immediate participation in curricular practical training.
  • There is no fee to apply for curricular practical training.
  • The International Office must authorize your CPT on SEVIS and issue a new I-20.
  • Curricular practical training cannot commence until the student receives the I-20 with the curricular endorsement on the back.

If you have additional questions regarding curricular practical training email the International Office at or call 308-432-6496 and schedule an appointment.

When should I apply for CPT and where do I apply for CPT?
You will need to work with the International Office to secure approval for your CPT. You may apply for CPT if you meet the following conditions:

  • Your field of study requires an internship as part of its academic requirements.
  • You have a job offer from an off-campus employer. This job must be directly related to your field of study.
  • CPT is only available before you have finished all of your coursework towards your degree.

You should apply at least 2 weeks before you want to begin work.

When can I start my CPT?
Upon receipt of your new I-20 documents and your CPT approval. The start date of the CPT listed on your I-20 is the first day you can start work.

Can I begin training or volunteering in the position before the first day of my CPT?
No. You will put your F-1 status at serious risk. You cannot begin job training or volunteering until you receive your new I-20 with the CPT documented and the start-date has occurred.

Do I have to apply for CPT whether my internship is paid or unpaid?
Yes. All work off-campus, whether paid or unpaid, must be approved by the International Office.

Do I have to register for my CPT course credit whether the internship is unpaid or paid?
Yes. You MUST register for the corresponding course related to your CPT.

What happens if I do not register for CPT credit?
You will place your immigration status at serious risk. This is a violation of federal Immigration regulations.

Do I have to be registered full-time to apply for CPT?
Yes. You must be registered as a full-time student to maintain F-1 status. You cannot be authorized for CPT unless you are in valid visa status.

What paperwork do I need to provide to OIE to secure CPT approval?
1) A letter or email from the Academic Advisor stating that this internship is a required or integral part of your curriculum.
2) A letter from the employer.

What information does the employer need to include in the letter?
Your supervisor needs to provide a letter on official organization letterhead containing the following information:

  • Number of hours per week you will work
  • A start and end date
  • A brief description of job duties

How long does it take to secure approval for my CPT and receive a new I-20?
It will take approximately 7-10 business days.

Can I be an RA, TA, or GA and apply for CPT at the same time?
Yes, but before you do this, please consider your ability of making “satisfactory progress” towards your degree. As an F-1 visa holder, your main purpose is to be a student. You do not want the job getting in your way of studying.

Can I do a CPT in a country other than America?

What should I do if my employer is satisfied with my job performance and wants me to continue working after the ending date?
Contact the International Office. You may need to submit a new application for CPT.

What should I do if I stop working earlier than my end date?
Contact the International Office so we can update your SEVIS record.

What should I do if I want to work somewhere else?
Contact the International Office and we will cancel the current CPT and have you apply for a new CPT.

Optional Practical Training (OPT)

Optional Practical Training Regulations for F-1 Students

Post-completion Optional Practical Training (OPT) is an opportunity for F-1 students to participate in professional, temporary employment that is directly related to their major field of study after graduation. Students may work part-time or full-time during their OPT and may work for more than one employer.

  • The Post-completion OPT has a maximum duration of 12 months and ends at the end date on your EAD card, when you begin a new educational degree program, or when you change to a new visa type (for example, H1B).
  • You can be authorized to work for a period up of 12 months (full time) for each degree level attained.
  • Authorization for optional practical training is automatically terminated when a student transfers to another school.

You MUST apply for OPT and you are advised to do so in your last semester at CSC. The application process can take up to 3 months, so it is important to apply as soon as possible after the first day you are eligible, which is 90 days before the Program End Date on your I-20.  All post-completion OPT must be completed within the 14 month period immediately following the end of your I-20 Program End Date. Since application processing can take up to two-three months, there is a risk you can lose a portion of the period of eligibility if you apply too late.

If you decide you would like to apply for a Post Completion OPT, you need to work with the International Office to complete the application. In the meantime, you can begin gathering your application documents and working on them. Bring them with you to our office.

If you have additional questions regarding OPT, email our office at or call 308-432-6496.

I do not have a job offer yet. Can I go ahead and apply for OPT?
Absolutely! You do not need a job offer to apply for OPT. You are encouraged to apply as soon as you can (90 days before your Program End Date) as it can take months to process.

How many OPTs am I allowed?
You can do an OPT per completion of each educational level. When you complete your bachelor’s degree, you are eligible for up to 12 months of OPT. If you then go on to graduate school and complete your master’s degree, you are eligible for another 12 months of OPT.

When should I apply for OPT?
We strongly recommend that you begin the OPT application as soon as you can. Per federal regulations, you cannot apply sooner than 90 days prior to the Program End Date on your I-20.

I did a CPT during my studies. Does this impact my OPT eligibility?
Only if your CPT was full time for 12 months. Otherwise, it does not impact your OPT.

I have to indicate a start date for my OPT. What should that date be?
Your requested OPT start date must be no later than 60 days following your program end date on your I-20.

What is the absolute latest date I can submit my OPT application to the USCIS Lockbox Facility?
The USCIS Lockbox Facility must receive your application no sooner than 90 days prior to and no later than 60 days after the program end date on your Form I-20.

How long does it take USCIS to approve my application?
It varies. It can take up to twelve weeks and sometimes longer. Apply early to allow enough time to receive your EAD card.

Is there an OPT application fee?
Yes, it is $470.00 and must be paid by credit card at the time you submit your application.

Can I track my application after it has been sent to USCIS?
Yes. Sign up for email updates on the Government dashboard

My OPT start date has arrived, but I still do not have a job! What do I do?
You can be unemployed for an aggregate period of 90 days. If all of your periods of unemployment added together total 90 days, you may be required to leave the United States. Please contact the International Office for help if this happens.

Are there requirements regarding what type of jobs I can accept?
Your job must be related to your just-completed degree program.

Do I have to keep the International Office updated while on OPT?
We will need a copy of the offer letter from your place of employment so we can place in your file and update your SEVIS record.

Can I begin work without my EAD card in hand?
No, you must have this in your possession. If you begin work before you receive your EAD card, you will be in serious violation of regulations.

Can I travel outside the United States while my OPT application is pending?
Yes, you may travel outside the U.S. after you have filed for OPT. However, you may be asked to provide the USCIS Processing Center receipt proving that your application has been filed. If you to travel abroad make sure you have documentation from your employer confirming the job offer or actual employment. Otherwise, you assume the risk of not being allowed to re-enter the United States.

More questions?
E-mail us at
Call us at 308-432-6496.
Schedule an individual appointment.